So, today was the first big Mentor-ey day in what seems like forever! What can I say? S'bloody good to be back, I really do love these days.
Except you, of course. Yes you. You with the face. |
So today was actually really useful. I say actually, as if I wasn't really expecting it to be. And it's true that in the past I've always hated that namby pamby team building crap, and even more than that I've hated a lot of the bullshit business speak that comes with a lot of these training schemes. Business speak is bad.
Except when Jack Donaghy does it. But you aren't Jack, are you? |
But the truth is, I've actually really come to respect a lot of the stuff we do along these lines. It's still a sorta basic business-y setup, but the company means I've got little issue with that. And the actual stuff we learn is flat out bloody practical. We first learned that ABCD personalities stuff back in what, September? And while it should be so broad as to be completely useless, I've found it comes in damned handy both in dealing with Mentees (I'd totally never heard that word before today...) and outside of it.
Yes, this is a Manatee and not a Mentee, but I'm still not certain on the difference. |
Mostly, I think that I can see a definite use for all this stuff when I finally take up my mantle as the new Doctor Doom and take over the world. Before I planned to do so through force of arms, but with enough practice I'm now fairly certain I can convince you all it was your idea in the first place.
Don't say you weren't warned, peons.
Don't say you weren't warned, peons.
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